15 Nov 2015


Sambungan dr entry lepas, selesai di Changdeokgung Palace, kami balik GH dan selesaikan apa yg patut sebelum gerak ke Trick Eye Museum, Hongdae. Hongdae ni sebenarnya adalah singkatan kepada Hongik University. Jadi kawasan sekitarnya dipanggil sbg Hongdae saja. Kami sampai dh ptg. Orang ramai sungguh. Mungkin sbb kwsn university kan.

Kat Trick Eye Museum ni ada juga Ice Museum dan Carnival Street. Kat Ice Museum ada mcm2 benda yg diperbuat dari ais. Sejuk gile. Dan Carnival Street plak ada permainan lebih kurang mcm funfair. Dapat la satu patung bear. Gmbr tak byk sbb leka main terus lupa nak amik gmbr :p

Hongik University Station (Seoul Subway Line 2), Exit 9. Go straight 150m, cross the road, and turn left onto Hongik-ro Street. Go straight 120m, and turn right down the second side street (in between Tony Moly and Holika Holika). Continue going 100m to arrive at Trick Eye Museum on the right. Blh tgk map kat sini.

Trick Eye Museum
The word 'Trick Eye' is a shortend version of the English expression of 'Trompe-l'oeil', meaning 'trick of the eye'. The purpose of this art is to intentionally confuse the audience by making flat 2D paintings into 3D images. The unique part of the museum is that visitors can freely touch, take photos, and interact with the art. Visitors can also have a more educational type of experience, including workbooks for children, which are directly producted by the Trick Eye Museum. Further, it is open until 9pm, making it a good date spot. 

Ice Museum
The Ice Museum, located inside of the Trick Eye Museum, is the biggest ice sculpture experience museum in Seoul. From famous cartoon characters to ice slides, you can see all types of ice sculptures as soon as you enter the museum.

Carnival Street
Carnival Street has brought Carnival festival and games into the town. The world famous masterpiece characters like Mona Lisa, Van Gogh, Dali and the Girl with a Pearl Earring have dressed in various carnival costumes, boosting the carnival atmosphere in Trickeye museum where you can enjoy the carnival all year around. Other than that, newly created games such as “Mona Lisa Balloon Dart”, “Throw a Ball and Hit a Star” in “Starry Night” painting by Van Gogh and “Hit the Clown” will provide fun and unforgettable memories for both children and adults.

Chungmu Kimbap, Myeongdong

Dh habis main kat Carnival Street, kami pulang ke Myeongdong dgn perut yg dah mintak di isi. So dinner di Myeongdong sajalah, di Chungmu Kimbap. Di sini hidangannya satu je iaitu kimbap. Simple je, kimbap size kecik, hanya nasi kosong saja, tak de inti, sotong goreng pedas, kimchi dan sup. Harga 7000won/set. Entah sebab perut dh lapar, sedap je rasa. Licin semua termasuk sup hahahaaaa.... Eh...terliur plak tgk gmbr ni ha. Dh la puasa hari ni ^_^

Blh tgk cara nak pegi sana kat sini.

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