15 Nov 2015
Sambungan dr entry lepas, di Changdeokgung Palace, ada sebuah taman yg dikenali sbg Huwon atau Secret Garden. Nak masuk Secret Garden kena ikut tour yg disediakan. Ada beberapa sesi sehari. Nak masuk kena reserve online tp klu tak sempat boleh je beli tiket masa nak masuk sana. Klu tak full lagi dpt la joint Secret Garden tour. Blh check bila English tour dan buat reservation kat sini.
Secret Garden ni boleh tahan besar dan kena naik turun bukit. Bila masuk je dlm garden, bg yg first time mcm aku ni mmg mcm jakun je tgk view yg tak pernah kita tgk sebelum ni. Betapa cantiknya ciptaan Allah. Ada sikit kesal dlm hati sbb sibuk amik gmbr je dan tak sempat nak menikmati betul2 keindahan view kat sana. Dah la kena ikut tour guide, asik kena tinggal kat belakang je sbb sibuk amik gmbr. Gmbr pun asik nmpk belakang org je ^_^
Sedikit info pasal Secret Garden yg aku kopipes dr web visitkorea.
Changdeokgung Palace’s rear garden was constructed during the reign of King Taejong and served as a resting place for the royal family members. The garden had formerly been called Bukwon and Geumwon, but was renamed Biwon after King Kojong came into power. The garden was kept as natural as possible and was touched by human hands only when absolutely necessary. Buyongjeong, Buyongji, Juhabru, Eosumun, Yeonghwadang, Bullomun, Aeryeonjeong, and Yeongyeongdang are some of the many pavilions and fountains that occupy the garden. The most beautiful time to see the garden is during the fall when the autumn foliage is at its peak and the leaves have just started to fall.
© 2010 - 2016 rinimemories - All Rights Reserved.
Sambungan dr entry lepas, di Changdeokgung Palace, ada sebuah taman yg dikenali sbg Huwon atau Secret Garden. Nak masuk Secret Garden kena ikut tour yg disediakan. Ada beberapa sesi sehari. Nak masuk kena reserve online tp klu tak sempat boleh je beli tiket masa nak masuk sana. Klu tak full lagi dpt la joint Secret Garden tour. Blh check bila English tour dan buat reservation kat sini.
Secret Garden ni boleh tahan besar dan kena naik turun bukit. Bila masuk je dlm garden, bg yg first time mcm aku ni mmg mcm jakun je tgk view yg tak pernah kita tgk sebelum ni. Betapa cantiknya ciptaan Allah. Ada sikit kesal dlm hati sbb sibuk amik gmbr je dan tak sempat nak menikmati betul2 keindahan view kat sana. Dah la kena ikut tour guide, asik kena tinggal kat belakang je sbb sibuk amik gmbr. Gmbr pun asik nmpk belakang org je ^_^
Sedikit info pasal Secret Garden yg aku kopipes dr web visitkorea.
Changdeokgung Palace’s rear garden was constructed during the reign of King Taejong and served as a resting place for the royal family members. The garden had formerly been called Bukwon and Geumwon, but was renamed Biwon after King Kojong came into power. The garden was kept as natural as possible and was touched by human hands only when absolutely necessary. Buyongjeong, Buyongji, Juhabru, Eosumun, Yeonghwadang, Bullomun, Aeryeonjeong, and Yeongyeongdang are some of the many pavilions and fountains that occupy the garden. The most beautiful time to see the garden is during the fall when the autumn foliage is at its peak and the leaves have just started to fall.
Miss tour guide |
Macam lukisan |
Hilang rasa penat berjalan bila nmpk view mcm ni |
Subhanallah.....cantik sgt pokok ni |
Jom pulang |
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