

salam maal hijrah kepada semua sahabat pembaca. moga kedatangan tahun baru ini membawa diri kita lebih dekat dgn Allah. sblm tanya azam tahun baru, nak tanya dulu azam tahun lepas dh tercapai ke? jgn pandai berazam saja, usahanya tak de ;)

kali ni nak tepek satu lagi hidangan korea iaitu bean sprout kimchee atau nak panggil kerabu taugeh pun boleh jugak. resepi dari holly unnie dari blog beyond kimchee. nak tgk step by step camne nak buat, leh tgk kat sini. kamsahamnida unnie ^_^

sebenarnya kimchi ni patut guna taugeh yg besar tu, tp time nk beli tak de lak. belasah je lah yg kecik sbb dh lama sgt nk try buat, klu tangguh lagi tak tahu la bila ada masa. klu yg besar mesti rupa dan rasa dia lagi best kot. yg uniknya kimchi ni, walau pun taugeh tu dh celur, tetap crunchy. krup krap krup krap masa makan. mungkin sbb teknik mencelur yg lain sket dari kebiasaan yg kita buat. sukatan kat resepi hanya sebagai panduan saja, klu nak sesuaikan ikut selera kita, blh je adjust sukatan tu. contoh, nk lagi pedas, tambah serbuk cili lagi, tak rasa masin, tambah lagi sos ikan. 

Bean Sprout Kimchee

400g(14oz) bean sprouts cleaned
400g Korean radish, about 1/3-1/2 length, peeled
2t salt + 2t sugar
1/2 bunch Asian chives or 1 bunch green onions, cut into 2" long
1/2 medium carrots, peeled, optional
3T Korean chili flakes (gochut-garu)
2 garlic cloves finely minced
1t ginger finely minced
1 1/2T Korean anchovy sauce*
1T Korean fish sauce*
2t plum extract or 1t sugar
1T roasted sesame seeds
1t sesame oil

*You can use just one kind of Korean fish sauce and increase the amount to 2 1/2T - aku guna sejenis sos ikan biasa je.

1 Thinly slice the radish, thinner than 1/8", and then cut them into thin sticks. Place them in a bowl and add 2t salt and 2t sugar. Mix well, set aside for 30 minutes. They will get wilted and seasoned. Rinse and drain. Squeeze the radish to remove extra moisture. Set aside.

2 Meanwhile place bean sprouts in a pot with 1/4C water over medium heat. Cover with lid and cook until the steam comes out from the pan and reduce the heat to low. Cook 3-4 more minutes. Do not open the lid during cooking. Drain the sprouts in a colander and let them cool.

3 Place radish in a large mixing bowl and add 2T chili flakes, garlic, ginger, fish sauces. Mix well by gentle massaging motion. Return the bean sprouts to the bowl, add chives, carrots, rest of chili flakes(1T), plum axtract, sesame seeds. Mix again with same gentle massaging motion to mingle the flavor into the ingredients.
Taste it to see if seasoned well. You can adjust amount of fish sauce as you like.
Drizzle sesame oil and toss well.

4 You can serve right away or keep in the room temperature for a half day(or whole day during winter time) to let it fermented, and then store in the fridge to serve next day.

5 Serve chilled to enjoy the flavor.

Note: Store your Kimchee in a airtight glass or metal container in the fridge.

allan dh beberapa kali mention pasal kimchi kobis. nmpk gayanya kena buat lagi lah ni. maklum lah, serbuk cili korea tu dia yg belikan. paham2 sendiri la ye cik rini :P
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