
Annyeong-haseyo...... jgn baca style erul AF tu ye, dia sebut pelik semacam je. jual sayorrr.....bak kata pak nil^^ hahaha.....

haaa.....kan dah kuar bhs korea dah....mesti la nak kena seiring dengan resepi kali ni :p punya la lama aku bercita-cita nak buat kimchi, baru kali ni terlaksana. tu pun bila dh dpt serbuk cili korea yg boss aku beli kat korea tu. asik tgk kat k-drama je, rasa mcm sedap sungguh. berkobar2 nak buat. sebenarnyakan, boss aku beli soybean paste dan chili paste jugak, tp dek kerana was2 dgn kandungan dlm tu sbb tak de cop halal, terpaksa la aku pulang balik kat boss aku tu. nasib baik la dia chinese, blh la dia guna, tu pun klu dia tahu nak buat apa. hehehe.....anyway, thanks allan. ssh payah bw blk dr korea. berat lak tu. time kasih daun keladi.....****winkwink***

resepi aku ikut maanchi punya resepi kat sini. kat sana ada gambar dan video skali tuk lebih jelas. sblm ni aku dah pernah try buat radish kimchi, so dah blh agak la rasa dia mcm mana. dan adik aku kata lebih kurang je mcm yg dia makan kat korean restaurant tu. sukatan bhn2 lak aku letak ikut suka aku je. hasilnya???? terlebih bwg putih, tak bape pedas w/pun kaler dia merahnya mak ngah, manis dan masin tak terasa sgt. tak pe baru first time kan.....;) next time blh betulkan mana yg kurang. mkn mentah aku tak bape gemar tp mlm tadi aku try buat kimchi ramen (megi daa......), sedap la pulak!!!!!! blh la try resepi lain yg menggunakan kimchi lepas ni. jom tgk resepi.

Easy Kimchi

Baechu (napa cabbage 10 pounds) - kobis cina. aku guna sebiji yg brt lbh kurang 2 kg
sweet rice flour - tepung pulut
fish sauce 
squid  - omit
hot pepper flakes - klu blh guna serbuk cili korea tp guna m'sia punya ok gak kot
green onions

  1. Trim the discolored outer leaves of 10 pounds of napa cabbage.
  2. Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the cores. Chop it up into bite size pieces.
  3. Soak the pieces of cabbage in cold water and put the soaked cabbage into a large basin. Sprinkle salt.
    *tip: 1 cup of salt will be used for 10 pounds of napa cabbage
  4. Every 30 minutes, turn the cabbage over to salt evenly (total salting time will be 1½ hours).
  5. 1½ hours later, rinse the cabbage in cold water 3 times to clean it thoroughly.
  6. Drain the cabbage and set aside.
Make porridge:
  1. Put 3 cups of water and ½ cup sweet rice flour (chapssal garu) in a pot and mix it well and bring to a boil. Keep stirring until the porridge makes bubbles (about 5 minutes).
  2. Add ¼ cup sugar. Stir and cook for a few more mintues until it’s translucent.
  3. Cool it down.
Make kimchi paste:
  1. Place the cold porridge into a large bowl. Now you will add all your ingredients one by one.
  2. Add 1 cup of fish sauce, 2.5 cups of hot pepper flakes (depending on your taste), 1 cup of crushed garlic, 1-2 tbs of minced ginger, 1 cup amount of minced onion.
    *tip: much easier to use a food processor.
  3. Add 10 diagonally-sliced green onions, 2 cups amount of chopped leek, 2 cups of julienned Korean radish, and ¼ cup of julienned carrot.
  4. Mix all ingredients well and your kimchi paste is done.
Action! Mix the cabbage with the kimchi paste!
  1. Put the kimchi paste in a large basin and add all the cabbage. Mix it by hand.
    *tip: If your basin is not large enough to mix all the ingredients at once, do it bit by bit. 
  2. Put the kimchi into an air-tight sealed plastic container or glass jar. You can eat it fresh right after making or wait until it’s fermented.
korang kena pandai2 la adjust ikut tekak korang ye. kimchi blh mkn terus lepas buat tu atau bg fermented dulu. klu nak cepat fermented letak je kat mana2 ceruk dapur korang pada suhu bilik. klu nak slow process, letak dlm fridge. dari sebiji kobis tu dpt byk jugak. tp jgn risau, kimchi simpan dlm fridge blh tahan lama. kimchi ni jugak blh mkn mcm tu je dgn nasi, buat stew, cmpr dlm megi^^, penkek, nasi goreng. pendek kata, suka hati korang la nak buat apa. kekeke..........

4 Responses
  1. ct N honey Says:

    saya mmg teringin nak makan kimchi ni,tapi mcm leceh aje buatnya...

  2. Rini Says:

    tak de la leceh sgt. cuma nak tunggu kobis tu kena remdan je yg ambik masa lama sket. try la:)

  3. Pika Says:

    Waa akak pena buat sendiri? Tp klu tukarkan bahannye akan effect rase original x?

  4. Rini Says:

    nak tukar bahan pe? rasanya x de effect sgt kot.


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