

apa kabar sahabat pembaca? sihat2 saja hendaknya ye. sambil2 bersantai tu, jom tgk resepi pavlova yg aku buat hari raya haji yg lepas. masa aku post entry pasal mak aku tu, sebenarnya nak wat entry pasal pavlova ni, tp bila mak dh mcm tu, hilang mood nak post entry pasal makan2 ni.

alkisahnya aku takde plan pun nak buat pavlova ni, tp adik aku la yg beriya sgt nk buat setelah permintaan dia suh buat macaron manjang aku tak layan je. hehee.....ingat senang nak buat macaron tu. orang yg dh biasa buat pun kadang2 tak menjadi gak. apatah lagi aku yg tak pernah buat. so bila aku ckp dr buat macaron baik buat pavlova sbb bhn2 lebih kurang je dan cara buat senang sket. sejak tu, asal balik rumah je suh aku buat.

resepi ni aku ambik dari joy of baking. ada beberapa benda nak kena take note masa buat pavlova ni. gula kena kurangkan. manis giler. tu pun aku dh kurangkan 180gm. lepas ni kena kurangkan smpi 150gm. pastu masa membakar tak perlu ikut masa yg resepi tulis. depend kat oven kita sbb setiap oven berbeza. bila dh tgk kaler pavlova bertukar dan bhgn luar dh retak2, dh masak la tu. klu ikut oven aku, 30-45 minit dh cukup rasanya.

bila dh masak, biarkan sejuk dalam oven dgn pintu oven tu biar terbuka sket. klu terus keluar pavlova akan sink dan bhgn luar akan pecah2. dan ini akan mengakibatkan pavlova korang tak ensem selain serpihan tu akan hilang dicuri dek tangan2 yg tak sabar2 nak rasa. geram btul aku dgn budak2 ni. tak sabar2.

untuk buah, korang leh letak apa je tp biasanya buah yg masam2 sket la sbb nak balance dgn pavlova yg manis tu. aku nak beli strawberi habis lak. so apa yg dapat je la. lepas ni aku nak try mini pavlova. nmpk kak wan buat, cute je. yg dh potong tak dpt nak snap sbb bateri exhausted katenye....

Pavlova Recipe:
4 large (120 grams) egg whites
1 cup (200 grams) superfine (castor) sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1/2 tablespoon cornstarch (corn flour)
1 cup (240 ml) heavy whipping cream
1 1/2 tablespoons (20 grams) granulated white sugar (or to taste)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Fresh fruit - kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, passion fruit, peaches, pineapple, or other fruit of your choice
Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (130 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and draw a 7 inch (18 cm) circle on the paper. Turn the parchment paper over so the circle is on the reverse side.
In the bowl of your electric mixer, with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on medium speed until they hold soft peaks. Start adding the sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and continue to beat, on high speed, until the meringue holds very stiff and shiny peaks. (Test to see if the sugar is fully dissolved by rubbing a little of the meringue between your thumb and index finger. The meringue should feel smooth, not gritty. If it feels gritty the sugar has not fully dissolved so keep beating until it feels smooth between your fingers). Beat in the vanilla extract. Sprinkle the vinegar and cornstarch over the top of the meringue and, with a rubber spatula, gently fold in. Spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on the parchment paper, smoothing the edges, making sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher than the center. (You want a slight well in the center of the meringue to place the whipped cream and fruit.)
Bake for 60 to 75 minutes or until the outside is dry and is a very pale cream color. Turn the oven off, leave the door slightly ajar, and let the meringue cool completely in the oven. (The outside of the meringue will feel firm to the touch, if gently pressed, but as it cools you will get a little cracking and you will see that the inside is soft and marshmallowy.) 
The cooled meringue can be made and stored in a cool dry place, in an airtight container, for a few days. 
Just before serving gently place the meringue onto a serving plate. Whip the cream in your electric mixer, with the whisk attachment, until soft peaks form. Sweeten with the sugar and vanilla and then mound the softly whipped cream into the center of the meringue. Arrange the fruit randomly, or in a decorative pattern, on top of the cream. Serve immediately as this dessert does not hold for more than a few hours.
Serves 6 to 8.
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hasil cincangan budak lelaki. suka hati dia je nak potong mcm mana. nmpk tak bhgn luar yg dh pecah2 dan ada yg dh hilang. tak cun dah.
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