punya la pemalas tuan blog ni nak update blog. bukan kat blog je, kat IG dan FB pun sama malas ;) skang ni aku cuba tuk update sekerap yg mampu walau hanya letak gambar saja. huhu......
berbalik pada gambar, penat makan lemang melayu kita, apa kata buat lemang korea ni. senang je buatnya. tak yah nak berjemur tepi api :) rasa pun sedap, sihat dan mengenyangkan. suai tuk bawa bekal pi opis or sekolah. aku guna resepi yg pernah aku post dulu, kat sini tp ada tambah minyak bijan kat nasi sbb org korea ni mmg suka letak minyak bijan kat resepi dorang. aku letak balik resepi kat sini.
Ingredients (Sushi Rice)
- 2 cups uncooked glutinous white rice (sushi rice)
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 cup rice vinegar - guna cuka makan biasa je
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup white sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
- Rinse the rice in a strainer or colander until the water runs clear. Combine with water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes. Rice should be tender and water should be absorbed. Cool until cool enough to handle.
- In a small saucepan, combine the rice vinegar, oil, sugar, salt and sesame oil. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool, then stir into the cooked rice. When you pour this in to the rice it will seem very wet. Keep stirring and the rice will dry as it cools.
Bahan2 isi (ikut yg biasa aku buat)
- seaweed sheets
- sosej - rebus, belah 4
- tuna
- crab sticks - rebus, belah 2
- eggs - tak letak, malas nak goreng^^. klu letak lg sedap
- carrot - slice memanjang
- cucumber - slice memanjang
- red capsicum - slice memanjang
- some mayonnaise - tak letak gak, mayo dah abess
- Place seaweed on the bamboo mat.
- Put the rice on the seaweed. You need to spread it thinly and fast, otherwise the seaweed get soggy. Leave the top 10% of the seaweed empty. (To spread the rice, I use my fingers and rice spatula. Have a bowl of cold water next to you to rinse your finger tips when the rice sticks on your fingers too much.)
- Put sosej, tuna, crab stick, cucumber, carrot, capsicum on top.
- Lift the bottom end of the seaweed to cover the ingredients, once you cover it then roll it. (Paste some water at the edge of the seaweed, if it doesn’t stick).
- Slice them.
- Serve it on the plate.
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Rajinnya Rini.. akak selalu ambil bau je bila lalu kat tpt jualannya..
adoiiiii.....lamanya baru nk reply komen akak ;)
ni time rajin je ni. time malas smpi expired seaweed tu :D